"There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven." Ecc. 3:1

Photo credit to darlingbydesignphotography.com

Monday, February 22, 2010

Not today.....

Well we didn't get the news we were hoping for. The call came this morning telling me that MOWA did not have our paperwork ready for court. We were rescheduled for March 8th, which happens to be Ms. Harper's 3rd birthday. My mind was prepared for this, but not my heart.......two weeks seems like a long time away.

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Today my chest fills heavy and I am distracted. My mind is consumed with what is taking place in that Ethiopian court room thousands of miles away. My heart is heavy for AJ's birth mother. She is there. After court ends she will be given a letter from us along with an album of our family and home so that she can hold onto a piece of her son's future. What brought her to make this decision? What were the circumstances that would lead her to relinquish all rights to her son? Is she a believer? How can I feel so connected to someone that I have never met?

Philippians 4:6 tells me, "Do not be anxious about anything, (that's a little difficult for me right now), but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present my request to God."

Psalms 46:10 tells me, "Be still and know that He is God."

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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Nap time

Look what we found....she is still holding her pen.

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Snow Fun

post signatureIt's been great but come on spring!!

(Can't figure out how to rotate Carson)?