Here's a close up of the laundry (it's all clean by the way)!! **See post below**
Thursday, October 22, 2009
There he is......
When we moved into this house two years ago Jody and I splurged and bought this king size bed with a really nice, comfy, cozy mattress. I love my bed!!! (and apparently so does someone else...) I took this picture at about 7:00 this morning (obviously with the help of the flash). Every night (around 2:30-3:00 a.m.) Hudson makes his way into our room and stretches out across the bottom of the bed. Most nights we leave a pillow and blanket there for him. In this picture, he just helped himself to my robe off the floor. The only problem now is that he is getting big and there is no longer room for mine or Jody's legs. We wake up in a ball, legs curled to our chins!?!!? No wonder I need a chiropractor. He is so sweet I can hardly stand it!! I'm not sure how this is going to work when he becomes a teenager.....guess we'll get a bigger bed.
Did you catch the laundry pile next to the's still there!!
Big Girl!!!
Look who no longer needs diapers!!! I know there is a special crown in heaven for moms that endure potty training.....(I'm up to 4)!!!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Is it Groundhog's Day?
All good things must come to an end! Monday is going to hit us hard!! But, I will enjoy this while it lasts!!

Monday, October 12, 2009
It's Going to be a Long Wait.......
In Her Own Words
"This June Starfish Orphan Ministry took a mission trip to El Salvador. It would be their third time. But for me, it was my first time. One thing that I would say is that the country, the kids, and the people of El Salvador take up about 3/4 of my heart. Everyday I think about what we did and what we saw. I always wonder about what the kids are thinking and doing. I feel the calling to go back very deeply and I feel like it is more of a need than a want. I really feel that God is laying on my heart a passion for missions. I feel as if God could take me anywhere but for right now, I really feel that God is leading me to El Salvador each day. I am thinking and praying about El Salvador and praying to God that He will make my path clear and show me where to go. Alot of nights I have dreams about meeting up with all the kids and being able to see them again just bottles me up with joy and excitement. Every single time somebody asks me about how did you like your trip it's as if I just can't explain how much I loved it. I feel as if I can't even write all my feelings down on this paper. I do have to admit I was very nervous about going on the trip. But once I started to spend time with the kids I knew that this is exactly and I mean right on target where God wanted me to be. Before I finish this paper I wanted to let my parents know how thankful I am for letting me go on this trip and I had a great time with my dad. I can't imagine a better person to go with. I also want to think everybody who helped us raise money and also thank mom and dad for being very patient with me when I keep on saying I want to go back to El Salvador."
I just loved this. I am so proud of her. She asks every single day if she can go back!! All she wants for Christmas is a plane ticket. I pray for God to use her life in a mighty way!!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Mountains and Goats and Bears, Oh My!-Gatlinburg 2009
A little time with Pop (Nana we missed you)!
Our new "friend"!
Gatlinburg Part 2
Fellow family hikers....Josh, Michelle, and Aidan.
Gatlinburg Part 3
Mamma and cubs outside our cabin. We saw them several times!! So much for our afternoon walks.
The Difference Between Girls and Boys
Hudson went to Connecticut with my in-laws a few weeks ago. This is the conversation we had the night before he was to leave:
Me-"Hudson, let's go get your stuff packed."
Him-"I don't care what I take, can you pack it?"
Me-"Are you sure?"
So I go downstairs to get his stuff ready and I notice that Syd is right behind me. She wanted to help. She packed all of his things...toothbrush, clothes, underwear.....I mean everything. Then we decided we needed to get his carry-on for the plane ready. The picture you are looking at is his carry-on, that Sydney packed. She attached a note (as shown) to the outside of his backpack that diagrammed and labeled where everything is located inside. (Example: Outside Pocket-gum, coloring book, model skateboards, Tylenol, etc.) This was priceless to me!! She was very concerned that when he got on the plane he would not know where all of his things were?!?!
I smiled about this for days. Sydney has always been a "caretaker". How blessed will her future husband and children be one day......that is if Hudson ever lets her go.....he knows a good thing when he has it!?!?!?