We have had a great Christmas! As I sit here and recall the last several days I feel the smile form on my face. Celebrating this first Christmas with Harper has been terrific. If she could talk I think she would say her favorite part was eating the bows and wrapping paper?! Carson got some more Webkinz (like she needed more of those), skates, fuzzy Crocs, an American Girl doll, and some clothes she wanted. Sydney has been learning how to play her Nintendo DS and has enjoyed her new American Doll as well. She also got a house for these (ugly) little pets that have big bobble heads. Hudson enjoys all his new toys that he can throw, hit, shoot, or wrestle.
My favorite gift has been Jody's extended vacation. He has been off for 11 days...1 more to go. We have also loved being in our new home. Since we decided to build a few years ago I have looked forward to having our family and friends here to celebrate this season. It has been great having plenty of space for everyone to be together, I am very grateful for that.
As happy as I am for Christmas to come, I am also ready when it is all over. I often find myself frustrated with all the "extra" that we as a society have added to this season. I can't for the life of me understand why people that do not believe in Jesus celebrate Christmas. It seems that we have taken the awesome birth of our Savior and "ho ho hoed it" into something that it was never meant to be. I'm really not trying to be a scrooge here, I love giving gifts and spending time with the people I treasure the most. I just find myself questioning our motives and our hearts every year when Christmas rolls around. Here's another question I have, we hear so much about Angel Tree, visiting nursing homes, and giving to those who are less fortunate during Christmas. What are we doing the other 364 days? Are we just adding this "extra" work during the holiday to make ourselves feel better about the hundreds of dollars we are spending and all of those parties we are going to?
OK, I'll stop now! Whew, maybe I had more to get off my chest than I realized. We are off to a new year and I am more blessed than I could have ever asked for or imagined. I guess instead of sharing my frustrations with this computer I should ask my Creator for some advice.